That covers the Addons to stay away from. The ONLY type of map addons you might consider are minimap tweeks like “ SexyMap” that simply only change the frame. You can now also shrink the map to see a movable area map that doesn’t completely obscure your UI. The big map now includes your quest log and tracker, shows your objectives on the map including the highlighted areas for said quest. Any Map replacement – The new map is sexy.The default tracker does things that addons can screw up: it shows the item you need to use with a clickable button so you don’t have to go searching in your bags occasionally it will auto popup with a new quest either from killing a mob or reaching a certain area in an instance it will auto update to allow you to turn in a completed quest and pick up the next leg in the quest chain without going back to the quest giver (only on certain quest, mostly in instances). Any Quest Tracker replacement – Absolutely do NOT get any quest tracker replacement addon.Since I started playing again two weeks ago, I’ve only had to look up a quest ONCE and it was because I was being a dumbass and not looking -behind- me, not to mention being patient for the quest item to respawn on the ground. Every quest has been reworded to include more details about where you should be looking and for what, tied in with the map to show you entire areas that glow where the objectives can be found. The new quest log and quest tracker are utterly amazing. Lightheaded – Again, Blizzard has pretty much included this into the default UI.I actually like this better because it’s more of a general area and still makes things fun for me, rather than exact coordinates which make the game pretty boring if you ask me. It’s even tied into the new quest system to show you where your quest objectives are. TomTom – Blizzard had pretty much included this in it’s default UI.Find out what you simply just can NOT live without, and go from there.īefore I go into a list of Addons you might want to try, I’m first going to tell you a few addons you need to get rid of and why. I suggest to everyone to first play with a clean, non-addon UI for a bit before going Addon crazy. Unless you have specific needs, you really don’t need to mod much of anything anymore. To start off with, the new default User Interface (UI) of WoW is amazing.

I’m not the only one of my friends who is coming back after a long absence and many have once again asked me about Addons and Mods for WoW.

Went ahead and got a two month timecard to see if I’ll stick around with it.

So now I have CEs of WoW and all it’s expansions. My husband Quutar peordered the Collectors Edition for me so I’d have a matched set. So yes, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is out and I’m back playing again.