Please note CR 2011 installation requires open port 4520 for communication Temporary disable any kind of firewall, antivirus, network security etc., if possible.Login to the machine as Local ADMINISTRATOR, if possible.Adding long path name on local hard drive may reach Windows limit. Try to avoid long path name locations to extract the package, because some of the product installation file names (file name + path) already over 150 characters long. To avoid any networking issues, copy the installation package to a local hard drive.Do not run the installation from archived package, extract the package first.To verify the version of extracted package, open productid.txt file located at: \DATA_UNITS\CrystalReports\. Download the latest version of the installation package for Crystal Reports 2011.There are some additional best practices for Crystal Reports 2011 installation: In Crystal Reports 2011 SP06 installation developers added a Warning in case there is a conflict identified: Rename the win32_x86cryptocme2.dll to cryptocme2.dll - just delete the “win32_x86” part and it would be the file you need to use. Use winzip or winrar to extract the files. Extract the files from the content.cab file. It is located at … \CrystalReports\dunit\tp.-\content.cab. Use the version that comes with CR 2011 installation. Add the latest version of the cryptocme2.dll file to all locations.Rename all files located in non-SAP directories to cryptocme2_original.dll.Search your machine for all copies of cryptocme2.dll file.So the easy solution to resolve cryptocme2.dll conflict on your machine: dll is backwards compatible and all applications work with the latest version of the file. Keycode verification failure caused by multiple versions of cryptocme2.dll loaded on the machine by different applications. The cryptocme2.dll is a part of keycode decryption engine outsources by multiple software vendors like SAP, McAfee, CA, Adobe to RSA Security company (see cryptocme2.dll Properties). If the temporary key does not work, then it is probably a second reason - conflict of cryptocme2.dll versions on the machine. The first one could be easily addressed by downloading temporary keycode from ( Obtain a temporary license key). The error INS00140 Invalid Keycode Error usually caused by two reasons: This article is also applicable to other BI 4.0 products installations like Dashboard Designer and Client Tools.